Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mon Party Plans to Give Youth Capacity Building Training

March 1st, 2011
By LAWI WENG – All Mon Regions Democracy Party (AMDP), will hold capacity building trainings in the middle of March for 130 youth members of the party.
AMDP members gather together during the election campaign in November, 2010
AMDP chairman, Nai Ngwe Thein, said that the training will be held for 4 days and consist of teachings on democracy, parliament, and decentralization issues. AMDP plans to invite Myanmar Egress, a NGO based in Rangoon to participate in the training as well.
The training will be held at the Mon Assembly Hall in Moulmein, Mon State capital, and the youths involved will come from all areas of Mon State.

"Many people in here, they do not talk very much about democracy, parliament, and decentralization issues as they do not know much about these issues. This is why we want to train them and build their capacity on these issues," explained Nai Ngwe Thein.
Today, AMDP held a meeting with 80 of its party's members to discuss the plans for the training.
"We do not have money actually. We will let them [the participants] sleep at our Buddhist monastery. So, we have to plan for it [the accommodations] now," he said.
Two months ago, AMDP held another capacity training in Moulmein, consisting of 100 participants.
The AMDP won 16 out of the 34 positions for Mon State in the November 7th elections.
The main opposition party to the regime-backed United Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) in Mon State, it won seven seats in the State Parliament while the USDP won 14. Though the USDP received a majority in the Mon State's Parliament, the USDP chairman appointed two Mon officials from AMDP as ministers of Mon State.
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